give the gift of education
100% of all donations go toward building schools for kids in Laos
Celebrating 10 years of building schools, changing lives and developing friendships around the world!
Help build a school
Help build a future
By Check/Cheque in USD or CAD:
Please mail to
School for Kids in Laos Inc.,
245 Thomas Berry St.,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R2H 0R2By Phone: Please call us at 204-960-3824 to discuss arrangements.
Online: You can donate directly to us via our website button below. Or you can use one of our partner platforms - PayPal or Canada Helps to donate online. Please note a 3% transaction fee on PayPal is deducted from the donation amount.
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Join our group of compassionate monthly donors. You can ensure children in poor, rural areas of Laos acquire the skills and knowledge that are critical to their futures in a safe, sanitary environment.
Giving changes everything!
Revenue Canada Charitable Registration # 830245411RR0001. Donations are eligible for a tax credit and receipts will be issued for donations greater than $20.
To our U.S. Donors: We are grateful for all donations but due to tax laws, we cannot issue tax receipts for any donations from the U.S. U.S. donors will receive a US tax receipt for donations of $5,000 or more when made through the Tides Foundation USA. Direct your gift to SKL. See for information on Tides Foundation USA.