School for Kids in Laos

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Project 10: Khonevat Primary School has completed!

For Project Number 10 we are heading to Xaysomboun province: Khonevat village is located within the Longxan district and is approximately 250 km northwest of Vientiane. Ban Khonevat has a population of 2,939 with 517 households made up of 75% ethnic Hmong, 10% Mien and 15% other ethnic groups including lower land Lao.

Khonevat primary school currently has 381 students from Grade 1 to 5 mostly of the Hmong and Mien ethnic minorities. There are two school buildings one of which is in such bad repair that it cannot be used. That means 201 students are forced to attend schools in neighboring villages.

Working with the local community SKL will build a new school which will include 5 classrooms, furniture, clean water supply, electricity and sanitary washrooms for all 381 students. 

Total cost is estimated at $85,000. With our new cost-sharing approach with Khonevat and neighboring villages, local business and stakeholders, we estimate our share of the cost will be approximately $45,000. Stay tuned for further details and photos.